Our telephone befrienders offer one hour of their time a week to chat with an unpaid carer. By speaking to the same person (or people) each week, our befrienders are able to offer proper companionship, helping them feel less isolated and more valued. We hear time and time again these phone calls are the highlight of a person’s week.

Our check-in and chat volunteers have the important role of checking in on carers. These are one-off calls to make sure people are coping, to offer advice and remind them of our services. Should the carer require further support they will be referred to the Carers First helpline.

Lesley, Befriender CSR Manager, Legal & General
Volunteering as a befriender on behalf of Carers First is extremely rewarding, I love making the call each week, we have a great natter and laugh a lot, it truly brightens up my day. I highly recommend this brilliant scheme and Carers First.