If you’re caring for someone who may be at risk of going missing or getting lost, it can be a worrying thought. They may not be very far from home but some people can get disorientated, get lost and go missing, so having a plan in place just in case is important.
What is the Herbert Protocol?
The Herbert Protocol is a form that carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person can fill in. It contains an important list of information to help the police if the person goes missing, including: medication required, mobile numbers, places previously located, a recent photograph.
Keeping a completed form to hand saves the worry of trying to recall the information during the stressful time of someone going missing. It also saves time for the police, allowing the search to start sooner.
The Herbert protocol initiative is named after George Herbert, a war veteran of the Normandy landings, who lived with dementia. He died whilst 'missing', trying to find his childhood home.
If you as the carer decide a person is at risk of becoming lost, then we would recommend completing the form. This form is a working document so please keep it up to date and keep it safe.
The form can be completed by the person at risk, a carer, family member or if in a care setting, the care provider. When completing the form, seek permission from the person at risk or their next of kin.
Update the form regularly to make sure the information is always accurate. Filling in the form can be a good opportunity to talk to the person you care for, as it often triggers memories they like to talk about.
The police only need the form at the point the person is reported missing. There is no need to hand it to police before then and the form will be returned once the person is found.
It should be stored securely, but where you can find it quickly. In a care setting, the information must be stored in accordance with data protection legislation. Please make sure other relatives, friends or carers know where it is.
You can download the form. A paper copy will need to be handed to the police officer who attends to take the missing person's report.
If the person you are caring for does go missing, firstly have a look around the home, the garden, any outbuildings to see if you can see them. Also perhaps walk any routes they may be used to walking.
If they're still missing, call 999 immediately. When you ring the police, tell them you have the Herbert Protocol profile available. If you have a digital copy, you will be able to email this to them so it can be shared with the officers involved with the search. If you have a paper copy, this is great too, have it ready for when the attending police officer arrives at the house.
When you make the call to the police you will be asked some questions about the person:
- Where and when the person was last seen
- What they were wearing and carrying
If you don’t know this information, don't worry, this won't delay the police response - officers will be sent out while you are talking.
For more information, please see the Metropolitan Police Website. For further information and support with emergency planning, have a look at our planning for emergencies as a carer guide.