This April, join Carers First as we encourage unpaid carers to get physically active as part of Carers UK's Active April campaign.
When you are caring for someone, it can be difficult to find time to look after your own health. That’s why Carers Active April is here to help you get started and stay motivated. Carers play such an important role in society, helping to care for those that need it. Even when juggling these responsibilities, it’s important for you to take time to look after yourself too.
Carers UK:
48% of carers are inactive, compared to 26% of all adults, and nearly 75% of carers don’t feel able to access local sport and leisure facilities. But activity has huge benefits for their physical and mental health, with 73% of carers saying physical activity makes them feel good about themselves.
Online Help and Advice
Visit our online support section where we have provided advice and guidance on a range of relevant topics to help you in your caring role.