Want to read articles for specific caring situations?

Carer's assessments
We explain everything you need to know about free carer's assessments conducted by the local authority.

Everyday tasks
We provide advice if you support someone with everyday tasks including household chores and getting out and about.

Financial support
You might be surprised how much financial support is out there for carers including benefits, grants and discounts.

Hospital Discharge Guides
Our hospital discharge guides can help you navigate finances, logistics, identifying yourself as a carer and emotional support.

Legal matters
We cover a range of legal matters you may come across as a carer, from setting up a power of attorney to dealing with abuse.

Looking after yourself
As a carer, you may struggle to find the time to look after yourself too. We provide some tips to help you make it a priority.

Planning ahead
It is vital that you plan ahead as a carer, including what would happen in an emergency and future care planning.

Support entitlements
You may be entitled to lots of support from the local authority. We discuss how you can access this help.

Working and caring
We explain everything you need to know about combining the world of work with being a carer.

Young carers
Being a young carer can be challenging but there is a lot of support out there for you. We discuss all the help you can get.

Virtual Wellbeing Programme
At Carers First, we offer a range of online courses and workshops, focussed on supporting your wellbeing as a carer.